Part 18: Update XVI

♪ BGM: DSO_Beautiful Dead ♫
We rejoin our intrepid duo as they head down into the subway.

A whole bunch of nothing is here.

And with that, we find ourselves in an empty subway station. The Wonderful Dead music has shifted to its second variant for this chapter, and this particular one is tied with It's A Kids' World for my favorite track in the game. We already heard Wonderful Dead 004, which was a more upbeat, lounge-type version, and this is the more low-key variant of that, with less percussion and generally less going on. This track is just chill as all hell, and embodies the lounge feeling that some of this soundtrack has. Back when I was doing Vampires Dawn 2 and did some stuff about how to futz around with RPG Maker 2003, I made some small sample videos showing off some stuff I created as samples, I used Wonderful Dead 002 as background music because I thought it was perfect - the result looking like this (with super low bitrate for additional 2003 authenticity) - and also, over a year ago, I found out that there was an emulator for the Weatherstar 4000, an old weather forecast system used by The Weather Channel for local forecasts, and in dicking around with it, I made this, finding that Wonderful Dead 002 also makes good background music for weather forecasts.
Anyway, that's about enough of my rambling about music, let's get back to that subway.

There's also some grafitti sprayed on the floor of the station. No idea what it says.

First, we head down this part of the map, but...

Instead, it's time to head down the stairs.

♪ BGM: We Can't Change The World ♫

Our first objective is to head in the opposite direction we were pointed in, because of course, there might be collectibles around!

In this case, sparkles!

♪ Jingle: Hidden Kids Discovered! ♫

Also, scribbled across the billboards here are the logos of the Warriors of Hope, because yes, they have logos! You might notice them come up at some point. The easiest to notice is the right one, which is the general symbol for the Warriors of Hope. All five wear this one as a pin of sorts. The left one is Jataro's symbol, which I don't think we've really seen yet except with the others in the arena where we fought Masaru.

The left one here is Monaca's logo, which is also drawn on the wheels of her wheelchair. The right one is Masaru's logo, which he also had on his shirt.

Over here on the left is Kotoko's logo, which is also on the horned head-dress thing she wears.

Finally, here on the left we have Nagisa's logo, which is also on a small red and yellow pin he wears. Also, there's a collectible on the right!

It's depressing! Yayifications!

Next, we head down some stairs and start making our way along the railway tracks.

There's some Monokumas to deal with, but nothing that causes problems.

At the end of the path, we have another collectible.

Remember this one, she's going to be relevant later. Like, WAY later, but later. Also, it might be hard to tell in this case, but this is Leon's motive prisoner.

We need to head through some train cars to keep progressing, and these look really swanky.

♪ BGM: Silence ♫

After that, we get a cutscene!

But suddenly, Bombers sneak up from behind!

They toss their grenades, and...

...they bounce off the ceiling and land right back in front of them.

That didn't go so well. But then, out of the smoke...

...Monokumas in riot gear!

Komaru takes a shot...

...but it just bounces off the shield!

♪ BGM: Absolute Despair Girl ♫
Eh, you know what, Toko, I think I've got this.

I still have a powered-up Break shot stored from the last nice shot I got, which can also take out these Guard guys. The other one, however, will now be a bit more of an issue.

What follows is a bunch of grab ass trying to goad the other one to use the attack where he tries to bash us with the shield, which gives us an opening to attack, but it doesn't really work all that well.

After that, I just circle around the guy a bunch trying to hit him in the side with Dance, and eventually succeed, letting me get a shot in and killing him. Could've gone a hell of a lot better, though.
We then move on, heading further along the rails, until...

♪ BGM: DSO_Despair-Syndrome ♫

It's time for "rocks fall, everybody dies"!

And then Toko gets brained by a massive piece of ceiling like we're in a cartoon.

But suddenly, she rises back up, and...

♪ BGM: Fever Time ♫

Komaru, once again, doesn't know what the fuck.

I can't shake the feeling that this sudden art shift is a reference to *something*. I'll be damned if I know what, though. Audience?

♪ BGM: Monster That Shouts Its Love in the Middle of Hell ♫

Anyway, it's time for a timed escape segment, this time with us playing as Genocider.

The basic gist of the segment is that there's Monokuma kids blocking the passage we need to get through, and in order to scare them away, we need to beat up all the Monokumas in the area.

When we do, they bail, and we're free to head to the next part.

In the last bit, we have a whole bunch of Monokumas to deal with, but it's not that hard when we can just use Genocider freely.

And with that last group dealt with, we can head back to the station we started from.

It turns out being a very close call.

♪ BGM: DSO_Junk Food for a Dashing Youth ♫

♪ BGM: DSO_Beautiful Dead ♫

♪ BGM: DSO_Welcome Despair Academy ♫

♪ BGM: DSO_Beautiful Dead ♫

What did Toko see? Well, that'll have to wait until the next update, mainly because this upcoming segment is a whole bunch of dialogue that goes on for about 13 minutes and probably will make up an update all by itself.